The Salvation Army Illuminate is a registered non-profit organization, and part of the largest non-governmental social service provider in Canada. Direct programming through The Salvation Army Illuminate is supported by donations, grants, and fundraising efforts. Your gift goes a long way in providing prevention, intervention, and aftercare for Survivors and support for our community.
General Donations
Funds can be specified for projects or items, or donated to our general programming.
Make a one-time donation online:
- Click ici to make a one-time donation online!
- Click ici to make a one-time donation online!
To make a donation through Canada Helps
- Click ici
- Click ici
To mail a donation by cheque:
- L'Armée du Salut
PO Box 2316
Vancouver, BC
V6B 1Y0
- L'Armée du Salut
To request a list of in-kind donation items needed:
- Please contact for the list.
- Please contact for the list.
To explore corporate social responsibility initiatives, service partnerships, corporate discounts, endowment funds, and legacy gifts, please contact us at
Become a Monthly Donor
We are actively seeking those who would invest in our mission and vision to offer free services to Survivors across Canada. Suggested amounts include:
$100 / month
Allows us to provide a registered clinical counselling session for a Survivor
Become a monthly donor
$400 / month
Provides complex mental health and addictions recovery programming, or a training session for a community agency
Become a monthly donor
$1,000 / month
Supports 5 Survivors to access crisis responsive care after being trafficked
Become a monthly donor

We deliver high quality, high yield projects that are innovative and groundbreaking. We are seeking partners to support projects ranging from $25,000 and up to deliver provincial and national initiatives to end human trafficking in Canada. Please contact us at to explore opportunities available.

We partner actively with organizations in the community to collaborate on corporate social responsibility projects, be that in kind, donated, or development focused. Reach out to us if you have an initiative you would like to explore, at
Partnerships & Donors
The following organizations collaborate through unique partnerships, significantly discounted services, donations, corporate social responsibility initiatives, and in kind contributions to our work.

Dr. Candace Woodman
Dr. Kevin Lauwers
Dr. Myrna Pearce, Dentists
Illuminate Funders
The following have provided large scale investments into our direct services & initiatives, and we are grateful for their support.

The Margaret Rothweiler Charitable Foundation
The Phyliss and Irving Snider Foundation
Joan Proudfoot